Post Chinese New Year Detox

Hello Hong Kong friends!

For those who have celebrated Christmas, New Year and now Chinese New year, maybe you feel it’s time for some detox! After all this food (and alcohol ?), the gym might be a good idea, but not enough: some detox with the use of essential oils will help you to purify your digestive system, support your organs and clean up liver and stomach in a natural way. Here is a guide to all you need to know!

There are a few essential oils with digestive properties; there is no need to buy them all, check what you have at home or buy 1 or 2 only. I give you here some choice, to select according to the taste you like. All of them can be taken internally, which is exactly what we are looking for during that detox: an essential oil that can be absorbed directly by our digestive system.

LEMON to clean the liver

Thanks to its chemical properties (limonene and monoterpenes), lemon is the natural antioxidant: it will help your liver to eliminate the toxins and to regenerate its cells.

Peppermint to stimulate the digestion

Thanks to the ketone, it drains your liver and stimulates the bile’s secretion to eliminate toxins faster. This essential oil is very helpful for all the detoxifying organs of your digestive system: liver, kidneys, intestine.

Rosemary to detoxify

Rich in verbenone, this oil is a very efficient hepatic detoxifier. It’s better to use it together with the lemon essential oil to make it fully effective. Like lemon, rosemary can help to drain the liver and regenerate the liver’s cells. This oil is also excellent to break down the fatty substances in the blood and to facilitate its elimination.

Winter juniper to drain away toxins

Extra draining and diuretic, this oil will help to evacuate toxins at the level of elimination’s organs: kidneys, intestine, skin, etc.); it’s working together with rosemary. ⚠️ To avoid in case of renal illness.

Basil to revive the digestive system

It invigorates the liver and the digestive system. It’s also a help in case of constipation.

Grapefruit to stimulate the digestive system

Excellent to reduce flatulence, bloating and aerophagy. Recommended after a very rich meal!

You can create your own oil blend with 4 of these oils, here is the recipe:

40 drops of lemon essential oil

40 drops of peppermint essential oil

40 drops of rosemary essential oil

20 drops of winter juniper

Take 2 drops morning and evening before your meal for 3 weeks. Essential oils only dilute in another oil, so if you feel it you can take your drops in a spoon of olive oil; personally, I prefer to take it in a glass of water.

If you are looking for a general oil blend to take internally after a big meal, I use Digestzen from Dōterra now for a little while. This blend features most of the oils I just talked about; it tastes mostly peppermint and star anise. I take 1 drop in a glass of water before the meal and sometimes after before to go to bed. It’s quite efficient as well in case of hangover.


✅ These oils and blends are ok for: adults, teenagers, and children older than 6 years old.

⚠️ Special cautions: asthmatic and epileptic persons,

⛔️ Don’t use these oils or blends: pregnant and breastfeeding women, children under 6 years old, renal illnesses, serious hepatic disorders, renal inflammation, hypertension, kidney failure, serious cardiovascular problems, gallbladder inflammation, cancerous pathologies.

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